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 Title of topic : Reflective Writing        Time: 12:30 - 1:30

 Date: 29-02-2024                        Attendance: Present

 Teacher's Name:  


My name is Muhammad Shahzaib and I am !st year MBBS student of Allama Iqbal Medical College Lahore


In my first clinical rotation class, I had the opportunity to visit the surgical ward. The primary focus of the session was to learn the essential skill of hand washing before surgery. Additionally, I was assigned the task of checking the pulse of a patient and understanding the process of obtaining consent for this procedure.


Initially, the prospect of MBBS studies and the challenges associated with it induced feelings of fear and depression, creating a sense of apprehension about the academic journey.

However, after the visit to the ward, there was a remarkable shift in emotions. The experience became a source of inspiration, dispelling fears, and alleviating feelings of depression. The once daunting journey now evokes a sense of confidence and determination


Positive Aspects:

During the clinical rotation class, I had the opportunity to learn the sensitivity and importance of thorough handwashing before surgery. The detailed procedure emphasized the critical role of cleanliness in a surgical setting, instilling a deep understanding of the significance of this practice.

Areas for Improvement:

As a shy individual, one significant challenge I faced was the task of taking consent from the patient. The process of seeking consent can be intimidating, especially for someone who tends to be reserved.

Patient Cooperation:

Despite my initial apprehension, my patient turned out to be a really nice man, which significantly eased the process. His cooperation and understanding played a crucial role in overcoming my shyness and successfully obtaining consent.


Impact of Clinical Environment:

Witnessing patients and families facing challenges in the hospital environment, including individuals sitting on the floor and doctors rushing, left a deep impression.

Inspiration for Service:

This experience inspired a new goal: to serve my country and its people. The evident need for compassionate healthcare motivated me to make a positive impact through a career in medicine.


My clinical rotation was a transformative experience. Learning the importance of handwashing before surgery and overcoming my shyness in seeking patient consent were personal victories. Witnessing the struggles of patients inspired a commitment to serve my country. These experiences have not only shaped my academic goals but also fueled my dedication to contribute compassionately to healthcare.

Action Plan:

To better connect theory with practice, I plan to visit the hospital three to four times a week. This will allow me to learn directly from seniors and teachers, gaining practical insights that complement my studies. Regular exposure to the clinical environment aligns with my goal of applying classroom knowledge to real-world situations, enriching my learning experience

                                                                                                                 Teacher's Signature:

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