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Which People Got Success by Allah? A Look at the Stories of Successful Muslims

Which People Got Success by Allah? A Look at the Stories of Successful Muslims


Success means different things to different people. Some people define success in terms of wealth and fame, while others measure success by their personal achievements and the positive impact they have on others. However, for Muslims, success is more than just material prosperity. Success is also about leading a righteous life, fulfilling one's religious obligations, and seeking the pleasure of Allah.

In this article, we will explore the stories of successful Muslims who achieved great success through the blessings of Allah. We will look at how their faith, perseverance, and hard work helped them overcome challenges and achieve their goals.


  1. Success in Business: The Story of Abdul Rahman Al-Sumait
  1. Success in Sports: The Story of Muhammad Ali
  1. Success in Education: The Story of Dr. Abdus Salam
  1. Success in Politics: The Story of Malcolm X
  1. Success in Arts: The Story of Cat Stevens

Sub Headings:

1.1 Early Life and Education
1.2 Business Ventures
1.3 Charity Work
1.4 Legacy and Achievements
2.1 Early Life and Boxing Career
2.2 Conversion to Islam and Political Activism
2.3 Legacy and Achievements
3.1 Early Life and Education
3.2 Contribution to Physics
3.3 Legacy and Achievements
4.1 Early Life and Conversion to Islam
4.2 Political Activism and Advocacy
4.3 Legacy and Achievements
5.1 Early Life and Music Career
5.2 Conversion to Islam and Spiritual Journey
5.3 Legacy and Achievements

Bullet Points:

  • Abdul Rahman Al-Sumait was a successful businessman and philanthropist who dedicated his life to helping the poor and needy in Africa.
  • Muhammad Ali was not only a legendary boxer but also a social activist and advocate for civil rights, using his fame to raise awareness about important issues.
  • Dr. Abdus Salam was a pioneering physicist who made groundbreaking contributions to the field of particle physics, despite facing discrimination and prejudice due to his faith and ethnicity.
  • Malcolm X was a prominent civil rights leader who used his platform to advocate for the empowerment and upliftment of African Americans, and whose ideas continue to inspire people today.
  • Cat Stevens was a successful musician who embraced Islam and transformed his life, using his art as a means of conveying spiritual messages and promoting peace.


Q. What is the definition of success in Islam?
A. Success in Islam is not limited to material wealth and fame, but also includes leading a righteous life, fulfilling one's religious obligations, and seeking the pleasure of Allah.

Q. How can one achieve success in Islam?
A. One can achieve success in Islam by following the teachings of the Quran and the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH), being mindful of one's actions and intentions, and striving to do good deeds.

Q. What role does faith play in achieving success?
A. Faith is a crucial component in achieving success, as it provides a sense of purpose, direction, and motivation, and helps one to overcome challenges and setbacks.

Who is the most important person in the development of Islam?

The most important person in the development of Islam is generally considered to be Prophet Muhammad. He was the founder of the Islamic faith and is revered as the final prophet in the Abrahamic tradition.
Prophet Muhammad received the revelation from the Quran, which is the holy book of Islam, and he spent his life spreading the message of Islam to the people of Arabia and beyond. He established the first Muslim community in Medina, and his leadership and teachings laid the foundation for the Islamic faith and way of life.
In addition to his religious teachings, Prophet Muhammad was also a political and social leader, who worked to establish a just and equitable society based on the principles of Islam. He is respected and revered by Muslims worldwide as a role model for his piety, compassion, and dedication to God. While there were many other important figures in the development of Islam, including the first caliphs and scholars who codified Islamic law and theology, Prophet Muhammad remains the most central and significant figure in Islamic history.

Who is the greatest person in the world in Islam?

In Islam, there is no concept of a single greatest person in the world. Instead, Muslims believe that all human beings are equal in the eyes of Allah (God) and that a person's worth is determined by their piety and good deeds. However, certain individuals are highly respected and revered in Islamic tradition for their piety, knowledge, and contributions to the Muslim community. These include the prophets and messengers of God, including Prophet Muhammad, as well as his family members and companions, known as the sahaba. Many great scholars, thinkers, and leaders in Islamic history are revered by Muslims for their contributions to the development and preservation of Islamic knowledge and culture. Some of these individuals include Imam Bukhari, Imam Muslim, Imam Abu Hanifa, Imam Malik, and Imam Shafi'i, who are considered among the most prominent scholars of Islamic law and theology. Ultimately, however, Muslims believe that the greatest person in the world is the one who is most pious and righteous in the sight of God, regardless of their social status, wealth, or worldly achievements.

Q.What Allah said about success?

In the Quran, Allah (God) speaks about success in several verses, emphasizing the importance of faith, righteous deeds, and perseverance in achieving success in this life and the hereafter.

One of the most well-known verses about success is found in Surah Al-Baqarah, verse 197, which states:

"And take provisions, but indeed, the best provision is fear of Allah. So fear Me, O you of understanding."

This verse highlights the importance of cultivating a sense of piety and mindfulness of God in all aspects of life, as it is ultimately the best provision for success.

Another verse in Surah Al-Imran, verse 200, states:

"O you who have believed, persevere and endure and remain stationed and fear Allah that you may be successful."

This verse emphasizes the importance of perseverance and steadfastness in the face of challenges and hardships and highlights the role of faith and mindfulness of God in achieving success.

In many other verses throughout the Quran, Allah encourages believers to work hard, strive for excellence, and seek His guidance and forgiveness to achieve success in this life and the hereafter. Ultimately, in Islamic belief, success is not measured solely by worldly achievements, but by one's closeness to God and actions by His will.

Q.What religion is the fastest growing?

According to recent studies, Islam is currently considered the fastest-growing religion in the world. This growth is attributed to a combination of factors, including high birth rates among Muslim populations, as well as conversion to Islam by individuals from other faiths.

In many parts of the world, including Africa, Asia, and Europe, Islam is experiencing significant growth, with a projected increase in the global Muslim population from 1.8 billion in 2020 to 2.8 billion by 2050.

However, it's important to note that the growth rates of different religions can vary depending on the specific region and context. For example, Christianity continues to be the dominant religion in many parts of the world, and some studies suggest that it is growing at a faster rate in certain regions, such as sub-Saharan Africa. Additionally, other religions such as Hinduism and Buddhism continue to have significant numbers of followers worldwide.

Q.Who is the hero of Islam?

In Islam, many individuals are considered heroes for their bravery, piety, and dedication to the Islamic faith. Some of the most revered heroes of Islam include the prophets and messengers of God, including Prophet Muhammad, as well as his family members and companions, known as the sahaba.

Many sahaba are considered heroes in Islamic tradition for their sacrifices and contributions to the early Muslim community. Individuals like Abu Bakr, Umar ibn al-Khattab, Ali ibn Abi Talib, and Aisha bint Abu Bakr are revered for their leadership, knowledge, and piety.

In addition to the sahaba, many other prominent figures in Islamic history are considered heroes for their contributions to the development and preservation of Islamic knowledge and culture. These include great scholars, thinkers, and leaders such as Imam Bukhari, Imam Muslim, Imam Abu Hanifa, Imam Malik, and Imam Shafi'i, who are considered among the most prominent scholars of Islamic law and theology.

Ultimately, however, Muslims believe that the true heroes of Islam are those who dedicate their lives to the service of God and humanity, working towards the betterment of society and spreading the message of Islam through their actions and good deeds.


In conclusion, the stories of successful Muslims highlighted in this article show that success is not limited to


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